Young Athletes
Play Smart Play Safe

We advocate, collaborate, and educate all sports stakeholders to reduce the risk of sports injuries.

Young Athletes
Play Smart Play Safe retires with all content now archived at Smart-Teams


Leading The Way To Safer Sports Since 2000

Holistic approach to sports safety:

Our mission is to provide youth sports stakeholders, especially parents and sports programs, with comprehensive education, practical information, best practices, and resources to keep all children safe physically, psychologically, and sexually while playing sports.

Experienced and trusted:

Smart Teams ™ is a MomsTeam Institute of Youth Sports Safety, Inc. program; advocating for education, accountability, and transparency as the keys to improving the health and safety of young athletes.

In 2025, migrated all of its content to the website, as an archival center for many of the still relevant 25 years of 5,000 plus articles and blogs. All Videos can now be accessed on YouTube. The Smartest  Team: Making High School Football Safe (PBS) documentary can now be purchased from Infobase/Facts on File Learning.

Smart Teams will continue to lead the way for protecting children while playing youth sports with Brooke de Lench continuing her work as a consultant to parents, teams and leagues at the national and international levels.



SmartTeams™ is first national sports safety program to provide:

Certification/seal of approval for programs which achieve SmartTeams™ status;

Searchable online registry of SmartTeams™ programs to connect parents to programs which follow best practices in health, safety, and athletic and child development; and

Interactive websites to educate all youth sports stakeholders about best health and safety practices and implementing International Safeguards for Children in Sports to help guide sports programs towards a safer sports experience for their athletes.